Our Services

We create solutions for better writing and communication, including workshop training, editorial team development, and editorial content creation.

Workshop Seminar Programs

Our virtual workshop seminars are immersive, collaborative, skills-oriented… and a lot of fun. They could also be the key to your team's cohesion and growth. 

In fact, teams that invest in cultures of learning have as much as 50% higher retention rates. For remote teams, the figure is likely even higher. Give your team the opportunity to grow and foster meaningful relationships while breaking up the monotony of nonstop meetings and deadlines.  

We offer programs focused on specific themes and are able to develop custom programs according to your team's needs. Just ask and we will build it. 

  • Communication Consulting

    Communication is the currency with which we build our world. It's also the raw material with which company cultures are built, consciously or not, and the factor that often determines whether a project succeeds or fails, with outcomes potentially separated by millions of dollars.

    Our workshops empower participants become more mindful and strategic communicators. We explore the core components of communication to unlock your team's unlimited potential.

  • Creativity

    Whether your team needs the space and guidance to develop its next great innovation or you are looking for a meaningful way to infuse creativity into your organization, this program may be the solution you are looking for.

    Through immersive activities, brainstorming sessions, discussions, and presentations, participants explore the frameworks, the habits, and environments that allow creativity to thrive.

  • Complexity

    The 21st century workplace is evolving in ways that most of us can't fully process. For organizations that are ill-equipped, there is no bigger threat to stability, team cohesion, and even solvency than the unpredictability of this "new normal". But as one character from Game of Thrones puts it, "Chaos is a ladder."

    Our complexity program empowers teams to reframe the quickly-shifting landscape not as a threat, but as an opportunity for unprecedented success.

  • Team-Building and Young Professional Development

    More than ever, young people are entering the workforce without being in the same physical space as their colleagues and mentors. As a result, they miss the nuances of what it means to be a professional, leading to poor performance, dissatisfaction, and burnout. And organizations suffer the brunt of it all.

    FCE will empower the talented twenty-somethings on your team to contribute to a thriving company culture and to become the next superstars in your organization.

Editorial Services

  • Web Content Creation

    Web copy that pops, brought to you by a team with more than five decades of experience in helping organizations grow through their words and their stories.

  • Blog writing

    It's one thing to do the amazing things you do. It's another thing to talk about it in a way that everyone (i.e., a general business audience) can understand. Our creative writing team develops compelling narratives around your business, to turn the highly technical into something more accessible – leading to your company's growth and wider recognition.

  • E-Books, White Papers, Reports and Case Studies

    Some products and projects need more space to be fully understood. Show the world the full scope of what your business can do in a creative and memorable way, especially as a tool for contact building and lead generation.

  • Social Media, Email Marketing, and Copywriting

    We've got you covered when it comes to strategic campaigns for email outreach, internal communications, and social media.

  • And More

    With more than four decades' of experience as creative writers, journalists, and serving a wide array of business writing needs, our editorial team can handle just about any writing task.